Why Digital Marketing is better than Traditional Marketing?

From the ages all the business people where following traditional marketing strategies, but  from past three decades, with the gradual increase in accessibility to the technology, the way marketing people communicate with their customers has been shifting at a rapid rate. So, many business people are shifting their marketing strategy from traditional to Digital Marketing.
To know why Digital marketing is better we first define what traditional marketing is. What mediums we use for doing so?

Definition of Traditional Marketing and what medium we use for it:
It is a process of promoting or advertising of any products, services of a company for years and that has a very good success rate. Normally traditional marketing uses print advertisements like news papers, magazines, posters, bill boards, flyers etc. It can also include ads on TV, radio etc.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Traditional Marketing:


·         You can easily reach out your local target audience: for example a poster related to an event can be easily reached to every house in the respective area or location with the help of newspapers, magazines etc.
·          The advertising material can be kept: consumers can keep the cuttings of the ads came on newspapers, magazines, flyers etc and can be read again and again whenever they require.
·         It is very flexible and easy to understand:  since this marketing strategy is followed from ancient times, it is very easy to understand.


  •          Interaction between customer and the medium used is very less: this is a process of providing information to the public that the brand exists.
  •          It is very much costly: ads displaying on TV, newspapers or radio is very costly.
  •          Results cannot be measured: in this field of marketing the measurement of results cannot be done.

To overcome all the disadvantage we can use Digital Marketing, now we will see what is Digital Marketing? What are the mediums we use?
Definition of Digital Marketing and what medium we use for it:
It is a process of advertising the products or services of a business through various digital marketing channels like FaceBook, twitter, pinterest, instagram, YouTube etc.
Advantages and Disadvantage of Digital Marketing:

·         You can target your audience specifically: you can easily target your customers with the help of demographics; specifically we can target people of specific age, gender, location etc.
·         Interaction between customers can be easy: the interaction between business people and customers is very easy; this can be done via comments in FB, Youtube etc.
·          Very much cost effective: compared to other techniques Digital Marketing is cost effective.
·         Results can be measured easily: the results obtained in this field can be measured.

The only disadvantage is the ads can reach the people if there is only internet. Since there is a boom in the internet field, Digital Marketing can be a big favour for business people to advertise. Hence the requirement for Digital Marketing experts has become more.
Many companies are looking for Digital Marketing expert with quality knowledge. If you want top quality digital marketing training with placement at affordable price then you can choose Digital Marketing Academy located in Bangalore.  For more information please visit our website.
